Community Services
Our supportive multi-disciplinary Community Services Team provides holistic social and emotional wellbeing to the community.
Our supportive multi-disciplinary Community Services Team provide holistic social and emotional wellbeing for the community.
Holistic health care is a vital component of the services delivered by the IAMS. It is the driver of the IAMS service delivery, and it is the key element of addressing factors that affect people in all situations.
As part of this crucial factor, IAMS influence and integrate self-determination to ensure that community continuously feel supported, as well as have the necessary tools to prevent and manage ill health, through increasing health literacy and encouraging heathier outcomes.
We are proud to have achieved accreditation for QIC Health and Community Services Standards as part of the QIP, with a commitment to patient medical safety and care.

Book an appointment or get in touch. Our team is ready to discuss your wellbeing.

Patient Information
We encourage you to read and become familiar with the following important patient information.
The IAMS can refer you to local allied health professionals and Specialists, many of whom bulk bill.
Please ring (02) 4229 9495 for an appointment.
Every effort will be made to accommodate your preferred time. Emergencies will always be given priority and our reception staff will attempt to contact you if there are any changes.
Longer consultation times are available, so please advise our receptionist if you require extra time. Please advise the receptionist if the appointment is for more than one person.
Please let us know if you change your address or phone number.
If you have an urgent medical situation you should go to Wollongong Hospital or Shellharbour Hospital Emergency Department. If you require emergency assistance please call and ambulance on triple zero (000) or 112 from your mobile telephone.
You can also call the Wollongong Radio Doctor on (02) 4228 5522 who can provide you with a home visit from a GP Monday to Friday 7pm to 6am and from 12 midday on Saturday to 6am on the following Monday.
Home visits are available for regular patients whose condition prevents them from attending the centre.
Doctors in the centre may be contacted during normal operating hours. If the doctor is with a patient, a message will be taken and you will be advised by reception a time that the doctor can return your call. Your call will always be put through to a doctor in an emergency situation after being screened by a Registered Nurse.
The IAMS bulk bills for all consultations. Please bring your Medicare Card & Health Care Card/Pension Card with you when attending your appointment.
Our service is committed to preventative health care. We may issue you with a reminder notice from time to time offering you preventative health services appropriate to your care. If you do not wish to be a part of this system please let reception know.
Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of the IAMS to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff.
Please ask for a copy of our Privacy Policy document. (Maybe put a link to the privacy policy).
- Take part in decisions about your health and care
- Ask questions and let staff know your concerns
- Ask for information about your condition or treatments
- Keep a list of all the medicines you are taking and bring it with you on your visits
- Make sure you understand the medicines you are taking – ask questions
- Get the results of any tests or procedures you have undergone
- Talk about your options if you need to go into hospital
- Make sure you understand what will happen if you need surgery or a procedure
- Make sure you, your doctor and anyone else involved agree on what will be done for your health care
- Before you leave hospital, ask for information about what you will need to do at home and let your doctor or Aboriginal health worker be aware.

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